Welcome to the web site of UKT / Uluslararası Konferans Tercümanları /
International Conference Interpreters
UKT (International Conference Interpreters) have been offering professional simultaneous and consecutive conference interpretation services since 1964. As such, we are the first and most established conference interpretation provider in Turkey.
The majority of the conference interpreters of the sector-leader UKT have initially been trained by Simulta Corporation, specialized in training conference interpreters for the United Nations in Geneva and then for the Economic and Social Studies Conference Board (present-day TESEV) of Turkey and the Ford Foundation.
- The majority of the younger generation UKT interpreters are graduates of the Department of Translation Studies, Bosphorus (Boğaziçi)University of Istanbul
- UKT also provides in-house training for other qualified new conference interpreters
- UKT has the highest number
of multilingual
conference interpreters in Turkey
- UKT predominantly provides professional simultaneous and consecutive
conference interpreting services.
- UKT also provides quality written translation service.
UKT conference interpreters contribute to the success of your meetings because UKT takes your job seriously. UKT is your partner in finding solutions to your needs.
- UKT is well-known for providing professional simultaneous and consecutive conference interpretation services in the most frequently demanded languages:
» Turkish,
» English,
» French,
» German,
» Italian,
» Russian,
» Spanish,
» Arabic,
» Bulgarian
and many other languages
- Through contacts with AIIC members and other international sources, UKT can provide, in Turkey or abroad, professional simultaneous and consecutive conference interpretation services in languages other than those listed above.
- Most UKT interpreters are members of Geneva based AIIC, Professional Conference Interpreters Worldwide, which set the international standards of the sector..
- All UKT interpreters are members of TKTD, Türkiye Konferans Tercümanları Derneği (Turkish United Conference Interpreters Association), the national association which aims to implement and establish AIIC standards in Turkey.
- Some UKT interpreters are ACI (Auxillary Conference Interpreters) of the European Commission.
- To support the conference interpreting program of Bosphorus (Boğaziçi) University, Some UKT interpreters serve as instructors and consultants at this center of academic excellence.
- UKT interpreters act as mentors to new graduates who step into the professional world of conference interpreting.
- UKT interpreters continuously refresh and develop themselves by keeping abreast all changes in global politics, economy, and technology.